Practicum Training
Direct and Indirect Services We Provide...
Individual, family and group therapy primarily to victims of abuse/trauma. Participate in workshops and parenting classes; attend special events designed for community outreach. Participate in psychological assessments and learn how to write reports for immigration cases. Assist with psychological testing (implementation of the tests, scoring, writing, process and feedback sessions).
In-service trainings by experts in the community; quality control training for record-keeping, completion of assessment measures, surveys and EBP’s documentation. Attend and participate in meetings, conferences, and consultations with other community based agencies/representatives.
Theoretical Orientation...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Trauma-focused CBT; Structural Family Therapy (SFT)
Supervision and Training...
Students will receive at least 1 hour/week of individual supervision and at least 2 hours/week of group supervision. They will also have in-service trainings by experts in the community, at least once per month.
Application Procedure...
After receiving approval from the Division of Professional Field Training, please email your CV, cover letter and two letters of recommendation to Dr. Jessica Vasquez at
Deadline to submit all required documentation is February 25th, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.