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The Center for Family Wellness provides free or low-fee psychological services.


Centro de Bienestar Familiar ofrece ayuda psicológica a personas y familias de bajo recursos.


We are experts on conducting psychological assessments and writing professional reports for immigration cases such as Uvisa, VAWA, Provisional Waiver (I-601 Waiver), and Political Asylum (call for a free consultation 213-361-0315).  


Nosotros somos expertos en evaluaciones psicológicas y redactando reportes para casos de inmigración tales como VisaU, VAWA, Perdon Familiar, y Asilo Político (llame para una consulta gratis 818-336-6441). 



Dr. Corena is a Certified EMDR provider helping individuals with complex traumas. 

Please call for a free telephone consultation (818) 336-6441

NEW LOS ANGELES LOCATION:  The Los Angeles Office has moved to a new location, as of 11/26/2018:  1930 Wilshire Blvd., #303, Los Angeles, CA 90057 (corner of Westlake Ave) 

Professional Psychological Services

Immigration Psychological Evaluations and Reports

We are currently working with many attorneys and legal agencies, including CARECEN, Immigration Center for Women and Children, Hermandad Mexicana, El Rescate, and law corporations, conducting psychological evaluations and preparing professional reports for UVisas, VAWA, Provisional Waivers (I-601 Waiver), and Medical Exempts. The evaluations and reports are professional, comprehensive and contain all the information required by the immigration department. 

Counseling Services

Individual, family, and group therapy in multiple settings (outpatient, home visits, local schools). Experitse handling cases with trauma and abuse through the victims of crime program and the department of child protective services. Specialized group therapy for women survivors of domestic abuse in conjunction with art-play therapy for their children. Court cases involving child abuse, domestic violence and family reunification. Marriage/Couples counseling. 

Community Outreach

Parent - Education classes conducted at local schools and community based agencies. Workshops in psychology related topics. Practicum site for college level students pursuing careers in the counseling field. Presentations at legal organizations regarding psychological evaluations and reports related to immigration cases. Case management services through colaborations with representitives from local community agencies.  

The Curious Neuroscience of Pain
April 13, 2022

Why the phenomenon of pain continues to baffle scientists.

How to Break Free of Frustrating Habits
April 13, 2022


Wendy Wood's research targets what's crucial to alter undesired behaviors.

This Slow-Breathing Exercise Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety
April 13, 2022

Research shows that even one minute of breath exercises can make an impact. 

Accepted Programs and Insurance Plans

Van Nuys Office

Heading 6

Van Nuys Office (Main Office)
6454 Van Nuys Blvd., #111
Van Nuys, CA 91401

6454 Van Nuys Blvd., #111

Van Nuys, CA 91401

Call Us:

(213) 361-0315

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